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admin   DN旅游网   2024-10-07 13:00:08


  1. 怎样用英语写欢迎词?


欢迎词(Welcome Speech)是一种用于欢迎和引导来宾的演讲或写作形式。以下是用英语写欢迎词的一些建议和模板:

1. 开头

- 欢迎全体来宾(Ladies and gentlemen/ Distinguished guests/ Esteemed audience)。

- 欢迎大家参加今天的活动/会议/庆典(Welcome to today#39;s event/ conference/ celebration)。

2. 表达感谢

- 表示感谢和荣幸(I am honored/ We are privileged)。

- 感谢大家的到来/支持/关注(Thank you all for coming/ supporting/ attending)。

3. 介绍活动/会议背景

- 简要介绍活动/会议的目的和重要性(The purpose and significance of this event/ conference)。

- 解释活动/会议的主题和议程(The theme and agenda of this event/ conference)。

4. 引导来宾

- 介绍重要嘉宾或主讲人(Introduce important guests/ keynote speakers)。

- 提醒来宾注意事项或日程安排(Remind the guests of any important announcements/ schedule)。

5. 表达期望

- 表达对活动/会议成功的期待(Express expectations for a successful event/ conference)。

- 希望来宾享受愉快的时光/有宝贵的学习和交流机会(Wish the guests a pleasant time/ valuable learning and networking opportunities)。

6. 结束语

- 再次感谢来宾的光临和支持(Once again, thank you for your presence and support)。

- 祝愿大家度过美好的时光(Wishing everyone a wonderful time)。


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to today#39;s conference. I am honored to stand before such a distinguished audience. Thank you all for coming and supporting this important event.

This conference aims to bring together experts from various fields to discuss the challenges and opportunities in today#39;s global economy. With the theme #34;Innovation for Sustainable Development,#34; we hope to generate valuable insights and foster collaboration among our participants.

Throughout the next three days, we have an exciting lineup of keynote speakers, interactive workshops, and networking sessions. We encourage you to actively engage in the discussions and take advantage of the knowledge-sharing opportunities.

Once again, thank you for joining us today. We sincerely hope that you will have a fruitful and enjoyable experience. Let#39;s make this conference a resounding success together.

Thank you.


Esteemed audience,

Welcome to our annual celebration. We are privileged to have each and every one of you here tonight. Your presence is greatly appreciated

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