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admin   DN旅游网   2024-03-18 01:19:50


1、A 16-hour flight was really terrible. I just couldn';t sleep on the plane. I hope there are sleepers on the plane.16小时的飞行真的很可怕。我在飞机上睡不着。我希望飞机也有卧铺。

2、Peter: I am fine, too.Thank you. I stayed at home in the summer holidays. Oh。

3、有关旅游英语的对话篇1 Kate: I hate waiting for connecting flights in the airport.我最讨厌在机场等著转机了。Zhang Hong: Really? I think it';s interesting.真的吗?我倒觉得挺好的。


1、不用把整片中文翻译都写出来,不过需要一些中文翻译。谢谢你。 介绍常州景点的英语小短文,五年级暑假作业上的,急急急急急急急急说起常州不由得要带大家去个地方,那就是常州中华恐龙园。

2、travel is good for relaxing. travel gives people a pause to consider how to read dull life and add some color to it.旅行是很好的放松。旅游让人们停下来考虑如何过枯燥的生活和添加一些颜色给给生活。

3、旅游相关的英语作文My American friend Tom and I went to Beijing by plane last summer.On the first day,we visited the Palace Museum and Tian';anmen Square. The next day。


1、篇一 汤姆: Hi, Susan, when did you e here?嗨.苏珊.你什么时候来的?苏珊: Yesterday. And you?昨天.你呢?汤姆: The day before yesterday. You are on vacation now?前天.你现在是在度假吗?苏珊: Yes。

2、假期旅游英语对话一 服务员: Good morning, may I help you?早上好!有什么可以为您效劳的?客人: Yes, my name is Rose Miller. I’ve made a reservation with you.我叫Rose Miller,在这儿订了个房间。

3、关于旅游英语情景对话1 服务员: Beijing Hotel, front desk.您好!北京饭店前台。客人: Hello. I’d like to reserve a room with a single bed.你好,我想订个单人间。


1、A 16-hour flight was really terrible. I just couldn';t sleep on the plane. I hope there are sleepers on the plane.16小时的飞行真的很可怕。我在飞机上睡不着。我希望飞机也有卧铺。

2、关于去旅游的英语对话一 A:I hear you are planning to travel abroad.A:我听说你要到国外去旅行。B: Yes. I';m going to the Untied States for travel. What places do you recommend?B:是的,我要去美国旅游。

3、关于旅游的英语情景对话篇1 K:Gee, this land is so flat!凯西:咦,这里的地真是平坦!E:The Netherlands literally means ";the down lands,"; which of course means ";the lowlands.";艾凡:荷兰字面上的意思是洼地。

