People often use #34;Baiyun Zhuhai#34;
to refer
Guangzhou, the #34;white#34; refers to the Baiyun Mountain.
Baiyun Mountain scenic area in the northern city of Guangzhou, about 17 kilometers away from
downtown, is nine mountains in the southern part of the known as #34;the first mountain in South Vietnam,#34;
Allegedly every autumn, often clouds rising up, make a mountain side into a
piece of white
clouds, like a veil, hence the name.
Baiyun Mountain consists of 30 peaks in a cluster,
the whole mountain
area of 28 square
kilometers, the highest peak of Mount Davis 382 meters above sea
level, is the peak of Guangzhou city.
Guangzhou is a beautiful city, I live in guan gzhou for ten years. Unconsciously, I have pass ed a decade with guangzhou.
The so-called #34;eating in guangzhou#34;, there are many delicious food in guangzhou, often m ake me linger, delicious. Barbecued pork packa ge is one of the specialty here. So, come to gua ngzhou, if not try the food here, was too embarr assed to say they have been to guangzhou. Guangzhou has many features, one of the m is the tower of guangzhou. And wuyang statu e, Chen clan academy and so on, are worth a vi sit, a look at the place.
I love Guangzhou.
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