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admin   DN旅游网   2024-09-19 10:50:04


  1. serendipity爱情造句?


1、This is the kind of serendipity you want!

2、This is Pavlov#39;s famous dog and it#39;s an example of scientific serendipity.

3、More than that, he is a role model: he excels in #34;managing serendipity#34;.

4、The centre is still operating today and through sheer serendipity we booked into a guesthouse less than fifty metres away.

5、Britain#39;s three favourite words are love, serendipity and family, according to a charity effort to build a #34;wall of words#34;.

6、Then serendipity stepped in. One morning Dr Liggins discovered that a lamb he had infused with cortisol had been born overnight.

7、To protect the planned serendipity of each event, participants aren#39;t told exactly what the mob is supposed to do until just before the event happens.

8、These frameworks can help us understand how to develop curation models, identity, and reputation systems, and how to encourage serendipity as well as engagement.

9、Being early breeds serendipity. Really. When you are early for things, even meetings and appointments, magical things tend to happen. That is when chance happens.

1.Some of the best effects in my garden have been the result of serendipity.我园子里最珍贵的几件物品是机缘巧合之下意外所得。

2.We are suffering, he writes, from a #34;serendipity deficit.#34;他写道,我们正在经历“意外之得缺失”。

3.This is the kind of serendipity you want!这正是那种你心心期盼的命中注定!

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